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21 June 2020

A few notes on Rust borrow checker

by Mike Krinkin

A while ago I tried to embrace Rust, but my experience was mostly negative due to various reasons. However the language and toolchain has machured since then and I’m giving it another shot.

One of the features of Rust that makes it different from the other languages is it’s borrow checker. What follows are a few notes about the Rust borrow checker.

The problem

Let’s take a look at a made up C++ example that calculates the mean and the median of elements in a vector:

double mean(const std::vector<double>& values);

double median(std::vector<double>& values);

std::pair<double, double> mean_and_median(std::vector<double>& values) {
    double x, y;

    std::thread t1([&x, &values]() { x = mean(values); });
    std::thread t2([&y, &values]() { y = meadian(values); });

    return std::make_pair(x, y);

Naturally, as the examples normally go, we do the calculations in a somewhat convoluted way. Specifically, in the example above we calculate median and mean in two separate threads, potentially in parallel.

It’s important to notice the types in the declarations of mean and median functions in the example. You may see that mean takes a const reference to the vector, while median take a non-const reference to the vector.

To add a bit of credibility to the example let’s think how can we calculate mean and median of the elements and why types are the way they are. With mean things are more or less easy, all we need to do is to sum up the values of the element and divide the result by the size of the vector.

NOTE: It doesn’t mean that there is no complexity in calculating means, as a matter of fact there might be quite a bit of complexity there depending on your requirements. For example, take a look at Kahan.

With median the situation is a bit more complicated if we want a reasonably efficient algorithm. One way to find a median is to use Quickselect.

Returning back to C++ you may think of calculating mean as a variation of std::accumulate:

#include <numeric>

double mean(const std::vector<double>& values) {
  return std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0) / values.size();

and, similarly, calculation of the median is just a variation of std::nth_element:

#include <algorithm>

double median(std::vector<double>& values) {
  auto middle = values.begin() + values.size() / 2;
  std::nth_element(values.begin(), middle, values.end());
  return *middle;

Important part here is that Quickselect and std::nth_element both modify the original sequence and that’s why median in our example takes the vector by non-const reference.

Naturally that’s a problem, because there is no guarantees what elements the mean function will find since concurrently another function may shuffle elements of the vector around.

C++ compiler will most likely allow such a code. Moreover in simple cases you may even observe that the program consistently returns correct results, even though it’s not guaranteed. And only if you compile your code with something like -fsanitize=thread and run your program you’ll get an error message.

There are various ways to deal with the problem, but let’s took at what Rust offers here.

Rust borrow checker

By default Rust doesn’t allow to create multiple non-const references (or mutable references as RustBook calls them) with overlapping scopes for the same object. Moreover you’re not allowed to have mutable reference together with unmutable references if their scopes overlap:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let mut ref1 = &mut v;
let ref2 = &v;

println!("&mut ref: {:?}", ref1);
println!("&ref: {:?}", ref2);

The code above does not compile and if you try you should see an error similar to this one:

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `v` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
 --> src/main.rs:5:16
4 |     let mut ref1 = &mut v;
  |                    ------ mutable borrow occurs here
5 |     let ref2 = &v;
  |                ^^ immutable borrow occurs here
6 | 
7 |     println!("&mut ref: {:?}", ref1);
  |                                ---- mutable borrow later used here

Would it prevent the problem we had in the C++ code above. Well, yes it would. Basically, Rust borrow checker makes sure that you will not create multiple mutable conflicting references (either multiple mutable references or mutable reference with immutable reference) for the same object with overlapping scopes.

NOTE: the check Rust does is local. To understand what I mean by that let’s imagine a situation where your code takes a mutable reference to some object. Rust borrow checker will make sure that your code doesn’t create any new mutable or immutable references to the same object. However, to guarantee safety we need to make sure that no mutable references for the same object exists, not just that your code doesn’t create one. It’s not really a downside and it’s not trivial to improve on that, so you just should be aware.

Reference scope

One interesting thing to mention here is how the scope of the reference is defined in context of borrow checking.

The scope of a local variable in Rust is limited by {}:

  let x = 42;
println!("{}", x);

The code above doesn’t compile because the variable x is not defined in the scope where println tries to refer to it. That’s hardly a new concept and Rust is no different in this regard from countless number of other languages.

However the scope of a reference in context of borrow checker and the scope of a variable are different. Let’s look at the follow example:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let ref1 = &mut v;
println!("Mutable: {:?}", ref1);

let ref2 = &v;
println!("Immutable: {:?}", ref2);

The code above compiles and works. You may see that ref1 and ref2 are both defined in the same scope, so you may think that the borrow checker might complain about that. However the borrow checker is happy with the code.

The scope of a reference in context of the borrow checker is limited by the last place where the reference is used. With that in mind it’s easy to see that the scopes of ref1 and ref2 do not overlap.

If we change the order of instruction a little bit we can cause borrow checker error easily:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let ref1 = &mut v;
let ref2 = &v;

println!("Mutable: {:?}", ref1);
println!("Immutable: {:?}", ref2);

Whole vs part

Let’s say we have a structure. Is it possible to have mutable references to the different fields of the structure with overlapping scopes?

For simple cases it’s possible:

struct S {
  x: i32,
  y: i32,

fn main() {
  let mut s = S {
    x: 40,
    y: 2,

  let ref1 = &s.x;
  let ref2 = &s.y;

  println!("x = {}, y = {}", ref1, ref2);
  println!("{:?}", s);

The example above compiles just fine, even though we have immutable ref1 and ref2 together with mutable s. However, if you try to use s to modify the fields referenced by ref1 or ref2 like in the code below, you’ll get a borrow checker error:

struct S {
  x: i32,
  y: i32,

fn main() {
  let mut s = S {
    x: 40,
    y: 2,

  let ref1 = &s.x;
  let ref2 = &s.y;

  s.x = 0;
  s.y = 0;

  println!("x = {}, y = {}", ref1, ref2);
  println!("{:?}", s);

So borrow checker does appear to be smart enough to deal with structures. However there is another way to combine data pieces together and it’s arrays (or vectors, lists, etc).

Collections are different from structures because when working with collections it’s not always possible to tell if there is an overlap or not. Let’s take a look at a simple example. Imagine that you have a vector and you want to create two slices pointing to the different parts of the vector:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let left = &mut v[..3];
let right = &mut v[3..];
println!("left = {:?}, right = {:?}", left, right);

The code above doesn’t compile because the borrow checker finds it problematic. It’s farily obvious to us that elements pointed by left and right do not overlap, however for the compiler it’s not as obvious.

To understand why it might not be obvious let’s consider a slightly more complicated situation where instead of using hardcoded constants we actually calculate somehow the boundaries of the slices:

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let (from, to) = find_left();
let left = &mut v[from..to];

let (from, to) = find_right();
let right = &mut v[from..to];

println!("left = {:?}, right = {:?}", left, right);

In general values of from and to may depend on a multidue of things not all of which are known at the compilation time. So it’s impossible for the borrow checker to know whether they ever overlap or not.

NOTE: even if the borrow checker knew the input in advance there are still fundamental limitation of computing that do not allow to analyse arbitrary properties of an arbirary program.

Again, we should consider the credibility of the example. If the operation is not useful to begin with then it doesn’t matter if the borrow checker doesn’t allow it.

Let’s return to the Quickselect algorithm that I mentioned at the very begining. The algorithm allows to find an Nth ordered static or, in other word, an element that would be at the Nth position in the sequence if we sorted it.

Quickselect basically partialy sorts the input sequence following an approach very similar to Quicksort. However since we are only interested in finding just one element that should be in the Nth position in the sorted sequence Quickselect works faster than Quicksort on average.

Anyways, one of the key operations in both Quickselect and Quicksort is partitioning. The goal is for the given value x shuffle all the elements in the sequnce in such a way that:

After partitioning both algorithms proceed recursively to work on left, middle and/or back part of the sequence. Due to recursive nature of the algorithms it makes sense to define the signature of the partitioning function like this:

fn partition(values: &mut [i32], x: i32) -> (&mut [i32], &mut [i32], &mut [i32])

You can spot a problem here. The results of the function are mutable references to slices and naturally they will have to point to the elements of the values slice. It’s a very much the same thing that, as we saw above, borrow checker does not allow us to do.

We know that the slices do not overlap by the nature of what the partition function does, assuming that it’s correctly implemented. However the borrow checker doesn’t know that and will necessarily complain.

So now when we know that the operation is in general useful. The next question is how to circumvent the limtiation of the borrow checker?

One way to circumvent the limitation is to use unsafe to temporarily disable the borrow checker. With unsafe we can create multiple mutable references. For example, here is the implementation of split_at_mut method for slices in the Rust standard library that basically split slice in two at the given position:

pub fn split_at_mut(&mut self, mid: usize) -> (&mut [T], &mut [T]) {
  let len = self.len();
  let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr();

  unsafe {
    assert!(mid <= len);

    (from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, mid), from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.add(mid), len - mid))

We can use a similar trick in our code. However, if we know that the returned slices do not overlap it always should be possible to just use split_at_mut from the standard library instead of using unsafe directly.

As a conclusion

Rust borrow checker is a bit of curiousity in the programming languages world and it takes some getting used to.

It might appear a bit restrictive, but I often find that language/company style guides, best practices guidelines and other conventions in other languages are a bit restrictive at first as well. Eventually you just learn to embrace them and find ways to code so that those restrictions don’t get in your way too much.

tags: rust - borrow-checker