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18 October 2020

UEFI handles, GUIDs and protocols

by Mike Krinkin

Continuing exploring UEFI bit by bit. This time I’ll cover a small part about UEFI handles, GUIDs and protocols. All the sources are available on GitHub.

Handles and Protocols

The UEFI specification in section 2.3.1 Data Type gives a rather vauge description of handles. What we know from the specification is that essentially handles are a void pointer that represent a collection of related interfaces.

In the previous post I mentioned already that the entry point to the EFI applications gets two arguments: handle and system table pointer. This handle represents the image of the application loaded in memory.

What interfaces can an image of the application implement? According to the [UEFI Specificaion] (section 4.1 UEFI Image Entry Point) all images support at least EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL and EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL. Those protocols are basically what the specification calls interfaces.

Each protocol has an associated data structure. For example, the structure for the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL is defined in the section 9.1 EFI Loaded Image Protocol of the UEFI Specification as follows:

typedef struct {
	UINT32 Revision;
	EFI_HANDLE ParentHandle;

	// Source location of the image
	EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle;
	VOID *Reserved;

	// Image’s load options
	UINT32 LoadOptionsSize;
	VOID *LoadOptions;

	// Location where image was loaded
	VOID *ImageBase;
	UINT64 ImageSize;

In the structure you can find all kinds of related information, like the pointer to the memory where the image has been loaded, how big it is and even where the image was loaded from.

The EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL is not supever representative because it doesn’t contain many function pointers in the structure compared to the amount of data - something that you’d might not expect from an interface. That’s not always the case however. Similarly EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL is not particularly representative as it’s mostly about the data than behavior.

In the previous post we actually saw a more representative interface EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL. The structure contained a lot of function pointers. We got the pointer to the protocol from the system table pointer that we get as the second argument of the entry point.

However the system table contains just a few pointers to the most basic protocols, while UEFI supports much more. So how can we get access to them?

Discovering protocols

If you already have a handle you can easily enumerate what protocols it supports and get access to one. Let’s look at a practical example and see what protocols the image handle supports.

Before we start we should take a look at the EFI boot services. Access to the EFI boot services is provided via the EFI Boot services table. In the UEFI Specification the boot services table is defined in the section 4.4 EFI Boot Services Table.

We don’t need all the boot services at the moment, so for the purporse of our example, here is how the table looks:

struct efi_boot_services {
	struct efi_table_header header;

	// Task Priority Services
	void (*unused1)();

	// Memory Services
	void (*unused3)();
	void (*unused6)();
	efi_status_t (*free_pool)(void *);

	// Event & Timer Services
	void (*unused7)();

	// Protocol Handler Services
	void (*unused13)();
	void (*unused16)();
	void *reserved;
	void (*unused17)();

	// Image Services
	void (*unused21)();

	// Miscellaneius Services
	void (*unused26)();

	// DriverSupport Services
	void (*unused29)();

	// Open and Close Protocol Services
	void (*unused31)();

	// Library Services
	efi_status_t (*protocols_per_handle)(
		efi_handle_t, struct efi_guid ***, efi_uint_t *);

	// 32-bit CRC Services
	void (*unused39)();

	// Miscellaneius Services (cont)
	void (*unused40)();
	void (*unused41)();
	void (*unused42)();

There are plenty of functions there and I marked most of them except just two as unused. The core of this example is the protocols_per_handle function. What it does is takes a handle as input and tells us what protocols this handle supports.


As you can see from the interface of the protocols_per_handle function it returns a table of efi_guid pointers.

NOTE: one * is because it’s an output parameter, another * is because the result is an array, and the final * is because the result is an array of pointers.

The efi_guid structure is defined as follows:

struct efi_guid {
	uint32_t data1;
	uint16_t data2;
	uint16_t data3;
	uint8_t data4[8];

This structure is basically a 128 bit opaque unique identifier, so internal structure doesn’t really have much of a meaning AFACT. That’s why the fields are named so weirdly.

Each protocol has a unique efi_guid associated with it. So by looking at the GUIDs that the protocols_per_handle returned we can tell which protocols the particular handle supports.

NOTE: It’s also possible to do a reverse look up. So if you know what protocol you need, then using the GUID of the protocol you can find which handles support it. It’s important to keep in mind however, that there might be multiple handles supporting the same protocol. For example, you system might have multiple storage devices that all support file system access protocols. So the fact that a handle supports the protocol you need doesn’t mean that it’s the right handle to use.

The table returned by the protocols_per_handle is allocated dynamically. It means that once we are done with the table we will be responsible for telling the firmware that this memory can be reclaimed.

There are a few ways in which you can dynamically allocate memory in EFI application, and, therefore, there are differnt ways in which you can free the allocated memory. The way we have to use for the results returned by the protocols_per_handle function is the free_pool function. That’s the second function I kept in the boot services structure.

Finally, it’s easy to guess what is the third paramater of the protocols_per_handle function. It’s the output parameter that will tell us how many entires in the array that the protocols_per_handle function returned.

I will skip showing the actual code here that calls the protocol_per_handle function and outputs the result because most of the code needed for that has to do with formatting the output in the human readable way. The full code still can be found on GitHub though.

NOTE: There is no functions like printf available, there is only a function to output a string, so formatting the output is on us at this point.


The previous post covers how to start the EFI application in QEMU with OVFM firmware, so I’m not going to repeat it here again. Let’s just look at the outout I’ve got:

{ 0x752f3136, 0x4e16, 0x4fdc, { 0xa2, 0x2a, 0xe5, 0xf4, 0x68, 0x12, 0xf4, 0xca } }
{ 0xbc62157e, 0x3e33, 0x4fec, { 0x99, 0x20, 0x2d, 0x3b, 0x36, 0xd7, 0x50, 0xdf } }
{ 0x5b1b31a1, 0x9562, 0x11d2, { 0x8e, 0x3f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b } }

In my case I got three different protocols. Two of them, and you can verify it with the UEFI Specification, are expected EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL and EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL. However the remaining last one I could not find in the UEFI specification. That suggests that firmware creators can introduce their own GUIDs and their custom protocols as long as they do not collide with the GUIDs defined in the specification.

Instead of conclusion

This post gave a bried introduction into the UEFI handles, GUIDs and protocols. Hopefully it was short and simple enought to understand how those three things relate to each other. I did not provide an example of obtaining a protocol table from a handle by a known GUID, but we will have opportunities to demonstrate that in the future posts.

tags: efi - clang - microsoft