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26 December 2020

Debugging AArch64 using QEMU and GDB

by Mike Krinkin

In the previous post I added Rust to the project and since then I was experimenting with parsing DeviceTree, however while doing that I stumbled on a mistery problem.

In this post I will cover the background that lead to the problem, investigations and finally the solution. There isn’t terribly a lot of code related to this post, but nevertheless all the sources are available on GitHub.


After setting up basic Rust infrstructure for the project I wanted to start working with DeviceTree. DeviceTree describes the system hardware and configuration to some extent. Firmware is expected to pass the DeviceTree to the OS kernel and the OS kernel can use it to understand what kind of hardware the OS is running on:

So basically unless you want to hardcode the hardware configuration in the kernel code, it’s quite useful piece of information.

While working on the DeviceTree parsing I came to the conclusion that to provide a convenient interface from that library I might need a dynamic memory allocator.

So I implemented a simplistic memory allocator, specficailly to be used only during early stages of the setup process. However, while playing with it in Rust I found out that things don’t quite work reliably and that’s where the story begins…

The Problem

After plugging in the dynamic memory allocator to the Rust code I played a little bit with Rust alloc::vec::Vec and it worked just fine. So I was ready to celebrate the vicotry and write another post on dynamic memory allocation.

However out of curiousity I went to look at what’s else available in the alloc that might come in handy. One thing that I found is the format! macro. format! macro is a printf-likeish Rust macro to for string interpolation. I though that it might be quite useful for logging purporses and decided to try it.

When I loaded a newly built binary with some format! invocations to see how it works, things broke and QEMU reported that the emulated system caught an exception.

Adding and removing alloc::vec::Vec and format! confirmed that the problem somehow manifests only when I use format!, but using alloc::vec::Vec doesn’t result in any problems I could see.

Interesting… It’s time to debug…

Hypothesis 1: bad memory allocator

It’s weird that the problem only manifested when I use format!, but not when I use alloc::vec::Vec, but memory related bugs are often claimed to be a sort of a mistery: hard to test to prevent them, hard to understand what’s going once you hit them, and hard to debug to figure out where the problem is. So I didn’t really give much thought to the difference in behavior between format! and alloc::vec::Vec and went after the memory allocator.

To quickly scope the problem with the memory allocator I figured there are roughly two options:

To narrow it down, I added logging to the allocator code. Logging was supposed to help with the first possibility when the allocator code itself is buggy. Logging would help to understand in what part of the code do we detect the problem.

To help with the second possibility I added a memset call to the allocation functions to zero-out the returned memory range before returning the pointer to the user. If the returned memory range is somehow bad, writing something there might reveal it.

After this exercise I was almost certain that:

So all in all, the allocator and dynamic memory allocation didn’t seem to cause this particular problem and I need to look somewhere else.

Hypothesis 2: format! is bad

After ruling out memory allocator as a culprit I started to look for something problematic about the format! macro. After all without using format! the problem doesn’t manifest.

Turned out that the format! macro itself is super uninteresting and all the magic happens inside the format_args! macro. However trying to look at the implementation of format_args! I found just this:

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
macro_rules! format_args {
    ($fmt:expr) => ;
    ($fmt:expr, $($args:tt)*) => ;

The way I read it, is that format_args! is sort of a compiler magic or an intrinsic function. In other words it’s handled by the compiler in a special way and if I wanted to understand what’s happening there I’d have to look at the Rust compiler code. I wasn’t ready to do that, so I had to look somehwere else.

NOTE: That’s interesting how Rust creators decided to go with a compiler magic to solve a problem of string interpolation. In C++ for example it’s rather simple to achive type-safety and flexibility of macroses using variadic templates for this particular problem. However, even without fancy variadic templates, in C++ you can use std::stringstream and co to solve the same problem in a straighforward way, without sacrifacing type-safety (as was the case in C with their printf-like functions) and at the same time providing a convenient interface. Personally, I don’t think that there was any need for compiler magic here.

I didn’t want to investigate the format_args! further and it wasn’t even clear if the format_args! is the problem here. After all, format_args! just generates some code and format_args! implementation is only interesting as a way to find out what code it is. So we can probably find some other means to fit the pieces together.

NOTE: in retrospective though and spoiling the mistery a little bit, I should probably have looked a little bit bitter into what format_args! does.

According to the format_args! description it just generates a value of type fmt::Arguments. The format! macro uses it as an argument for the fmt::format function. So we can take a look at what the fmt::format function does and how it uses fmt::Arguments value.

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn format(args: Arguments<'_>) -> string::String {
    let capacity = args.estimated_capacity();
    let mut output = string::String::with_capacity(capacity);
    output.write_fmt(args).expect("a formatting trait implementation returned an error");

So what’s going on here? Well, actually nothing interesting, the function creates an object of type String, trying to preallocate enough memory to fit in the results of the string interpolation, but then the actual string interpolation happens in the function write_fmt that is part of the Write trait implemented for String.

Moreover, String uses a generic implementation of write_fmt that ultimately just calls fmt::write function. The fmt::write function takes an output buffer (something that implemenets Write trait) and the arguments (the thing that format_args! macro creates) and performs the actual string interpolation (delegating a bunch of stuff to other functions).

From here we have a few options:

Another way to look at the current state is that, if memory allocation for String is not a problem, then the problem is definitely happening somehwere in the deeps of the Rust standard library.

I did check before that memory allocation is not the problematic part here. However, just to be sure before moving forward, I double checked that memory allocation for the String is not really a problem here.

So what’s now? At this point I was somewhat at loss and needed some time to think of a way to move forward. In the meantime while considering throwing havier tools at the problem I went to try some random guesses.

Hypothesis 3: running out of stack

One randome hypothesis that I actually verified was running out of stack. The way the binary has been loaded it was using the stack that UEFI firmware gave to the UEFI application that loaded the binary. I didn’t really know neither where the stack was located, how much stack we had or how much stack we already used. Additional fuel to the fire of this hypothesis was this question: Excessive stack usage for formatting.

First step on exploring this hypothesis was to check the UEFI specification. And indeed in Chapter 2 Overview, Section 2.3 Calling Conventions and Subsection 2.3.6 AArch64 Platforms of the UEFI specification it’s explicitly said that UEFI application should have at least 128KiB of stack available.

At this state I was already confident that stack is not a problem and there is no way my code could have used 128KiB. That being said, I still went to look at the generated assembler code to do a rough estimate on how much stack we might use.

For example, here are a first few instructions of the main function:

$ llvm-objdump -d kernel.elf | grep -A10 'main:'
0000000000001028 main:
    1028: ff c3 01 d1                  	sub	sp, sp, #112
    102c: f4 4f 06 a9                  	stp	x20, x19, [sp, #96]
    1030: f3 03 01 aa                  	mov	x19, x1
    1034: f4 03 00 aa                  	mov	x20, x0
    1038: 08 02 00 b0                  	adrp	x8, #266240
    103c: fd 7b 03 a9                  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]
    1040: f8 5f 04 a9                  	stp	x24, x23, [sp, #64]
    1044: f6 57 05 a9                  	stp	x22, x21, [sp, #80]
    1048: fd c3 00 91                  	add	x29, sp, #48
    104c: 09 01 40 b9                  	ldr	w9, [x8]

The first instruction reduces the stack pointer by 112 bytes, so that’s what I figured is the stack frame size for the main function. Similarly we can check the Rust code entry point:

$ llvm-objdump -d kernel.elf | grep -A10 'start_kernel:'
0000000000001860 start_kernel:
    1860: ff 83 03 d1                  	sub	sp, sp, #224
    1864: 01 c0 86 52                  	mov	w1, #13824
    1868: e8 23 00 91                  	add	x8, sp, #8
    186c: 00 20 a1 52                  	mov	w0, #150994944
    1870: c1 2d a0 72                  	movk	w1, #366, lsl #16
    1874: fd 7b 08 a9                  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #128]
    1878: fc 6f 09 a9                  	stp	x28, x27, [sp, #144]
    187c: fa 67 0a a9                  	stp	x26, x25, [sp, #160]
    1880: f8 5f 0b a9                  	stp	x24, x23, [sp, #176]
    1884: f6 57 0c a9                  	stp	x22, x21, [sp, #192]

With other Rust functions it might be more complciated because of the name mangling, but poking around into a few of them, I figured that there is no way we could have used all the 128KiB this way.

If you see at the functions above they use just a few hundreds bytes for stack. If we round it up to 1KiB of stack on average per function, then we’d need a call chain of around 128 functions to exhaust the stack - that’s quite a lot for a program without recursion.

Deploying Heavy Tools

As a last ditch effort in the pursue of the stack hypothesis and also as an attempt to start debugging the problem more systematically I decided to deploy QEMU monitor and GDB.

I was going to start with checking where the stack of the program is located and whether we indeed had 128KiB of stack available. In order to do that I made this modification to the C code:

static volatile int cont = 0;

void main(...)
    /* Here go variable declarations that are not important */

    while (!cont);

    /* The rest of the main implemnetation goes after */

This is essentially an infinite loop. The idea is for the program to hang once it reaches main, so while it’s inside the infinite loop I can investigate the state of registers and memory either using QEMU monitor interface or via GDB.

The volatile int cont serves a few purporses. First of all, the compiler looking at this code cannot conclude that it’s an infinite loop and consider the rest of the code unreachable, since it has to read the value of cont periodically as it’s part of the observable behavior of the program thanks to the volatile part. So the program execution will hang in that infinite loop, but the compiler cannot optimize the rest of the code away.

The second reason to have this variable is that using GDB we can actually overwrite its value. So the program will hang in an infinite loop right after start, but then we can connect to it with GDB, setup a few breakpoints and break the infinite loop by directly modifing the value of cont from GDB. So in other words, we have a way to exit the loop and continue the execution when we want to by changing the value of the variable during runtime.

NOTE: I suspect that from GDB we could just directly write program counter and jump to whatever instruction we want and break the infinite loop this way, but I didn’t try.

Finally, when I’m not actively debugging anything I can just set cont = 1 in the code to disable this mechanism by default. So it’s a relatively easy hack for debugging that I can leave in the code permanently (or until I have a better tool instead).

So how can we use QEMU monitor and GDB for debugging? Let’s take a look at the script I use to start QEMU:


QEMU="qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -cpu max"

cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/src/kernel.elf /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/kernel
cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/virt.dtb /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/virt.dtb
cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/config.txt /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/config.txt

${QEMU} \
  -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=${OVMF} \
  -drive format=raw,file=fat:rw:/home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root \
  -net none \
  -serial telnet:localhost:1234,server \
  -monitor telnet:localhost:1235,server,nowait \

Pay attention to the -serial and -monitor flags. -serial is where all the output of the program goes, since I (and UEFI firmware implementation that QEMU uses) use serial port for output. I can connect using telnet to the localhost:1234 to see the output.

Similarly, I can use telnet and connect to localhost:1235 to get access to the QEMU monitor. QEMU monitor is a shell that allows to explore the current state of the virtual machine including the state of registers, so it should be enough for us to get an idea of where the stack lives.

We can take it one step further and also tell QEMU to setup a GDB server for the virtual machine by adding a gdb flag to the command invocation:


QEMU="qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -cpu max"

cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/src/kernel.elf /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/kernel
cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/virt.dtb /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/virt.dtb
cp /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/config.txt /home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root/efi/boot/config.txt

${QEMU} \
  -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=${OVMF} \
  -drive format=raw,file=fat:rw:/home/kmu/ws/aarch64/root \
  -net none \
  -serial telnet:localhost:1234,server \
  -monitor telnet:localhost:1235,server,nowait \
  -gdb tcp::1236 \

However keep in mind, that virtual machine emulates aarch64 architecture, so we need GDB that understands it:

$ sudo apt-get gdb-multiarch

Now, we can try and use those tools. After going through the normal UEFI loading process and finally starting my binary it hanged at the beginning of main function - working as expected.

Now we can connect to the QEMU monitor like this:

$ telnet localhost 1235
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
QEMU 4.2.1 monitor - type 'help' for more information

To get the state of registers inside the virtual machine we can use the info command:

(qemu) info registers
 PC=000000004017704c X00=000000004050f098 X01=0000000000000004
X02=00000000401b4da8 X03=000000004787f100 X04=000000004787f148
X05=0000000000000004 X06=000000004786456c X07=000000000000000c
X08=00000000401b8000 X09=0000000000000000 X10=0000000040530000
X11=0000000000000003 X12=0000000042aab2f0 X13=0000000000000008
X14=0000000000000000 X15=0000000000000000 X16=000000004786da80
X17=00000000ffffa6ab X18=0000000000000000 X19=0000000000000004
X20=000000004050f098 X21=000000004048b000 X22=000000004042fe84
X23=00000000478649c8 X24=000000004042c000 X25=0000000000000000
X26=000000004149b918 X27=000000004048b000 X28=000000004148f818
X29=00000000478645b0 X30=000000004017701c  SP=0000000047864580
PSTATE=600003c5 -ZC- EL1h  BTYPE=0     FPCR=00000000 FPSR=00000000
Q00=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q01=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q02=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q03=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q04=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q05=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q06=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q07=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q08=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q09=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q10=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q11=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q12=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q13=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q14=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q15=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q16=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q17=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q18=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q19=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q20=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q21=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q22=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q23=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q24=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q25=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q26=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q27=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q28=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q29=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q30=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q31=0000000000000000:0000000000000000

As you can see the program counter contains address 0x4017704c and the current value of the stack pointer is 0x47864580. Note that by convention the stack on AArch64 grows toward the lower addresses. So there is over 100MiB between the stack pointer the the current program counter.

With the size of the program in memory at around 2MiB, there is no way that stack might collide with the rest of the program data and code.

Can there be something else? Pretty unlikely. If we look at the DeviceTree for the virtual machine hardware we can find there this node describing memory of the system:

memory@40000000 {
    reg = <0x00 0x40000000 0x00 0x8000000>;
    device_type = "memory";

So the physical memory available to the system spans from the address 0x40000000 (which is pretty close to where our program resides in memory) until 0x48000000 (which is pretty close to where the stack of the program lives). There is no holes in between them and there shouldn’t be anything else of importance running in the system for us to corrupt it.


Now let’s cover how to connect to the virtual machine using GDB for completness even though we didn’t really need to do it to understand where the stack is. It’s quite easy to do:

$ gdb-multiarch 
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 9.2-0ubuntu1~20.04) 9.2
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
(gdb) target remote localhost 1236
localhost 1236: No such file or directory.
(gdb) target remote localhost:1236
Remote debugging using localhost:1236
warning: No executable has been specified and target does not support
determining executable automatically.  Try using the "file" command.
0x000000004017704c in ?? ()

As soon as we connect with GDB to the virtual machine, the virtual machine will stop its execution. Not surprising the program counter where the virtual machines was when I connected to it with GDB turned out to be 0x4017704c - exactly the same address we saw before in QEMU monitor. So this address is likely somehwere within the infinite loop I created inside the main function.

We can actually see the instruction at the current address like this:

(gdb) display/i $pc
1: x/i $pc
=> 0x4017704c:  ldr     w9, [x8]

Similarly we can look at, for example, next and previous instructions using $pc + 4 and $pc - 4. That’s because on aarch64 the instructions are 4 bytes in size.

NOTE: display command doesn’t just print what you requested once, it will automatically print it every time when state changes, for example, when you go to the next instruction. To disable it you can use undisplay command. And if you want to just print something once there is print command, but you’d have to look at the documentation to understand how to use it.

Instead of asking GDB to print individual instructions you can use layout asm to see a bit more context. I’m not going to cover GDB in more details here and for further details will refer you to the documentation and countless tutotrials on GDB available on the Internet.

So our program currently spins in the infinite loop that consists just from two instructions:

0x4017704c  ldr w9, [x8]
0x40177050  cbz w9, 0x4017704c

Instruction ldr loads a value from memory to a register. The memory address in our case is stored in register x8 and the read value is stored in the x9 register (w9 is name for lower byte of the x9 register).

Instruction cbz is a conditional jump instruction. Basically, if the value we read from memory is 0 it jumps to 0x4017704c and otherwise moves to the next instruction after cbz.

You can probably figure out from this that register x8 contains the address of the cont variable. In my case I found out that the register x8 contained value 0x401b8000, hence that’s where our cont variable is stored.

Now if I wanted to break the infinite loop I could set a breakpoint somewhere after the infinite loop and then overwrite the value at the address 0x401b8000:

(gdb) break *0x40177054
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40177054
(gdb) set *0x401b8000 = 1

If we tell GDB to continue the execution (using c command) it will read the new value of cont and will exit the loop and stop at the breakpoint. In the snippet above I set breakpoint at the next instruction after the loop, but it could be any other address.

One thing to keep in mind is that function addreses in the binary do not match runtime address. In other words, addresses that we can see in the output of objdump aren’t expected to match what we see in GDB. So when you want to set a breakpoint on a function, you cannot just use the address you found in the binary unchanged. Instead you need to calculate the difference between the runtime addresses (addresses where the program was loaded or runtime addresses) and the addresses recorded in the binary (linktime addresses) and adjust the addresses accordingly.

For example, according to GDB the ldr instruction of the infinite loop was at address 0x4017704c, but according to the objdump the same instruction has address 0x104c. So the difference is 0x40176000. When using objdump we can correct for this difference using --adjust-vma flag:

$ llvm-objdump --adjust-vma=0x40176000 -d kernel.elf | grep -A10 'main:'
0000000040177028 main:
40177028: ff c3 01 d1                  	sub	sp, sp, #112
4017702c: f4 4f 06 a9                  	stp	x20, x19, [sp, #96]
40177030: f3 03 01 aa                  	mov	x19, x1
40177034: f4 03 00 aa                  	mov	x20, x0
40177038: 08 02 00 b0                  	adrp	x8, #266240
4017703c: fd 7b 03 a9                  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]
40177040: f8 5f 04 a9                  	stp	x24, x23, [sp, #64]
40177044: f6 57 05 a9                  	stp	x22, x21, [sp, #80]
40177048: fd c3 00 91                  	add	x29, sp, #48
4017704c: 09 01 40 b9                  	ldr	w9, [x8]

As you can see once we told objdump about the difference between the linktime and runtime addresses with the flag, it started displaying address information correctly. So we know can use objdump to find the functions we are interested in and their runtime addresses to set breakpoints in GDB.

NOTE: runtime address, as you could have guessed, can change every time you load the program again, since it can be loaded at any available address.

Finding where things break

Now when we have QEMU monitor and GDB at our disposal we can change our strategy a little bit. Before I basically tried to guess where the problem might be and explore the hypothesis. Some of the guesses had more merit and some had less, but at the end of the day it’s guessing. With GDB and QEMU monitor at our disposal we can find out what broke exactly where.

One way to do it is to tell QEMU to show the exceptions in the QEMU monitor and then let the program run normally until it breaks:

(qemu) log int

After this command the qemu-system-aarch64 will start producing some output messages that look like this:

Taking exception 5 [IRQ]
...from EL1 to EL1
...with ESR 0x0/0x0
...with ELR 0x4075fcac
...to EL1 PC 0x43b34a80 PSTATE 0x3c5
Exception return from AArch64 EL1 to AArch64 EL1 PC 0x4075fcac

It’s a brief description of exceptions and interrupts happening in the system. If we let the system run eventually it will hit that one exception that is causing problems and show us some basic information about it:

Taking exception 3 [Prefetch Abort]
...from EL1 to EL1
...with ESR 0x21/0x86000007
...with FAR 0x0
...with ELR 0x0
...to EL1 PC 0x43b34a00 PSTATE 0x3c5

So what can we take from this meesage?

First of all the problematic execption is instruction prefetch (that’s what Prefetch Abort exceptions are about according to the ARM documentation). So basically we tried to jump to an invalid address.

Both FAR and ELR contain zeros. ELR is normally the address where the execution should return to after handling the exception and FAR contains the address of the instruction that processor failed to fetch.

I’m not sure why we need both, since it appears that both of them should point to the same place, but whatever the reason they both agree that we tried to execute instruction with address 0.

So we know that we tried to jump to an instruction at the address 0, but we still don’t know where we jumped from. Unfortunately exploring register state in QEMU monitor at this point is not very reliable. I didn’t bother to setup my own exception handlers, so existing exception handlers may have clobbered the state of registers (specifcally LR aka R30 might be helpful).

NOTE: I was quite surprised to find out that there are some interrupts enabled in the system, those might cause problems down the road, so I was lucky to discover that early and will do something about that later.

To find from where the bad jump happened we can use GDB by single stepping until the instruction that breaks. That’s would very likely take quite a bit of time, so I changed the code a little bit to remove all the irrelevant parts of the Rust entry point down to this simple code:

pub extern "C" fn start_kernel() {
    let msg = format!("haba-haba\n");
    let serial = PL011::new(
        /* base_address = */0x9000000,
        /* base_clock = */24000000);

So far we know that the problem is somehow related to the use of format! macro, so it is the very first thing inside the start_kernel function. The serial port related calls are there so that the result of the format! call is actually used somehow, so compiler will not optimize it away.

To help with single stepping, we’d need to find the runtime address of the start_kernel function and set a break point there. And from there it’s all hard manual work single stepping instruction after instruction paying attention to the various jump instructions (including function calls and function returns).

I will skip the boring description of how I was heroically instructing GDB to execute instructions one at a time. Eventually I stumbled on this peculiar snippet:

0x4017e5c4  ldp x0, x8, [sp, #32]
0x4017e5c8  add x9, x20, x22, lsl #4
0x4017e5cc  ldp x1, x2, [x9]
0x4017e5d0  ldr x8, [x8, #24]
0x4017e5d4  blr x8

Pay attention to the blr x8 part. This instruction basically takes an address from the register x8 and calls a function at that address. And checking the value in the x8 register I found out that it’s actually 0:

(gdb) print $x8
$2 = 0


This instruction happened to be inside a function with a peculiar name _ZN4core3fmt5write17h4f29494a403b7853E. Which is, I suspect, just a mangled name of the function we’ve encountered before in this post: fmt::write. It’s time to take a look at the function again:

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn write(output: &mut dyn Write, args: Arguments<'_>) -> Result {
    let mut formatter = Formatter {
        flags: 0,
        width: None,
        precision: None,
        buf: output,
        align: rt::v1::Alignment::Unknown,
        fill: ' ',

    let mut idx = 0;

    match args.fmt {
        None => {
            // We can use default formatting parameters for all arguments.
            for (arg, piece) in args.args.iter().zip(args.pieces.iter()) {
                (arg.formatter)(arg.value, &mut formatter)?;
                idx += 1;
        Some(fmt) => {
            // Every spec has a corresponding argument that is preceded by
            // a string piece.
            for (arg, piece) in fmt.iter().zip(args.pieces.iter()) {
                run(&mut formatter, arg, &args.args)?;
                idx += 1;

    // There can be only one trailing string piece left.
    if let Some(piece) = args.pieces.get(idx) {


What’s interesting in this function is that it calls a function by a pointer. Take a look at this part specifically:

(arg.formatter)(arg.value, &mut formatter)?;

The function pointer ultimately comes from the args argument of the fmt::write function. This argument is, as was discussed before, somehow created by the format_args! macro.

So the picture so far is that format_args! creates a structure with a function pointer inside and this function pointer somehow ends up being zero. Let’s take a look at how this fmt::Arguments structure is actually created. And again, I’m not particularly keen on looking up the format_args! implementation in the Rust compiler source code, so let’s take the assembly code of the start_kernel function:

0000000040177854 start_kernel:
40177854: ff 83 01 d1                   sub     sp, sp, #96
40177858: e8 01 00 b0                   adrp    x8, #249856
4017785c: 08 41 3a 91                   add     x8, x8, #3728
40177860: 29 00 80 52                   mov     w9, #1
40177864: 4a 01 00 b0                   adrp    x10, #167936
40177868: 4a 81 03 91                   add     x10, x10, #224
4017786c: e8 27 02 a9                   stp     x8, x9, [sp, #32]
40177870: e8 23 00 91                   add     x8, sp, #8
40177874: e0 83 00 91                   add     x0, sp, #32
40177878: fe 4f 05 a9                   stp     x30, x19, [sp, #80]
4017787c: ff 7f 03 a9                   stp     xzr, xzr, [sp, #48]
40177880: ea 7f 04 a9                   stp     x10, xzr, [sp, #64]
40177884: 2d 00 00 94                   bl      #180 <_ZN5alloc3fmt6format17h8bfac749fb37b0f7E>

That’s the prefix of the start_kernel function up to the call to fmt::format function. The fmt::format takes just one argument and it’s fmt::Arguments structure.

It’s hard to tell for sure what calling convention Rust compiler uses internally, but if I read it correctly this code prepares a bunch of data on stack and potentially passes a pointer to that data in the x0 register.

If we look at the structure that it prepares we can guess what code prepares what parts of this structure:

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Arguments<'a> {
    pieces: &'a [&'static str],
    fmt: Option<&'a [rt::v1::Argument]>,
    args: &'a [ArgumentV1<'a>],

So the structure basically contains a few slices. Slices in Rust are represented by two values: pointer to the data and the size. I don’t know how Option affects data representation, but assuming that it’s sensibly optimized Option can use the pointer inside the slice to represent everything it needs. So all in all this structure should boild down to three pairs of 8 byte integers.

On stack the structure is stored starting from the offset 32 from the value of stack pointer SP. And we interested in the args field of the structure that actually contains the problematic function pointer. So we need to look at what this code generates at the offset 64 starting from the value in SP.

NOTE: I definitely missing something here. If my interpretation is correct then starting from the offset 64 from SP the code should generate slice: pointer to the data and the number of elements. However if I’m reading it correctly the pointer is generated in the register x10, but surprisingly for the size of the slice the code uses xzr which is basically a zero register - register that always contains zero. That doesn’t quite make sense.

The value in the register x10 is generated using these two instructions:

40177864: 4a 01 00 b0                   adrp    x10, #167936
40177868: 4a 81 03 91                   add     x10, x10, #224

The adrp instruction takes the current value of pc register, adds the given argument to that (which is in our case the value 167936) and then aligns it to the 4KiB page boundary. The ARM documentation describes this instruction as address of 4KiB page at a PC-relative offset.

add isntruction is easy to understand - it just adds 224 to the x10.

So if put all the pieces together these two instructions store 0x401a00e0 in the register x10. The runtime address 0x401a00e0 corresponds to the linktime address 0x2a0e0. If we check the structure of our binary with readelf we can find that this address belongs to the .rodata section:

$ readelf -S kernel.elf 
There are 18 section headers, starting at offset 0x6c320:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000001000  00001000
       0000000000028084  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4
  [ 2] .rodata           PROGBITS         000000000002a000  0002a000
       0000000000011b09  0000000000000000 AMS       0     0     4096
  [ 3] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         000000000003bb10  0003bb10
       0000000000000094  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 4] .rela.dyn         RELA             000000000003bba8  0003bba8
       00000000000031e0  0000000000000018   A       5     0     8
  [ 5] .dynsym           DYNSYM           000000000003ed88  0003ed88
       0000000000000018  0000000000000018   A       8     1     8
  [ 6] .gnu.hash         GNU_HASH         000000000003eda0  0003eda0
       000000000000001c  0000000000000000   A       5     0     8
  [ 7] .hash             HASH             000000000003edbc  0003edbc
       0000000000000010  0000000000000004   A       5     0     4
  [ 8] .dynstr           STRTAB           000000000003edcc  0003edcc
       0000000000000001  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 9] .dynamic          DYNAMIC          000000000003edd0  0003edd0
       00000000000000c0  0000000000000010  WA       8     0     8
  [10] .data.rel.ro      PROGBITS         000000000003ee90  0003ee90
       0000000000002548  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
  [11] .got              PROGBITS         00000000000413d8  000413d8
       0000000000000048  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
  [12] .data             PROGBITS         0000000000041420  00041420
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     1
  [13] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000042000  00041420
       0000000000201c18  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     4096
  [14] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00041420
       0000000000000033  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1
  [15] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  00041458
       0000000000012570  0000000000000018          17   2442     8
  [16] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  000539c8
       000000000000008c  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [17] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  00053a54
       00000000000188cb  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  p (processor specific)

And that’s where I came up with a new hypothesis. Normally, in AArch64 architecutre it’s quite easy to write position independent code - the code that can be loaded at any address and work just fine. That’s because most of the time function calls and data accesses can be relative to the value in the program counter (pc register).

However things break if we decide to store a function pointer in some global variable and then use that variable to call the function. Function pointer address in such a case would have to be determined when compiling/linking the binary and therefore we cannot use pc relative addressing to call the function via the pointer.

That’s what appear to be happening here. format_args! macro actually tells Rust compiler to generate a global structure. This global structure have to contain a function pointer in some form. When the fmt::format function is called the argument of the function references that global structure.

We can easy verify this hypothesis by checking if the resulting binary contains any dynamic relocations. And indeed turned out that there are quite a few of them:

$ readelf -D --relocs kernel.elf 

'RELA' relocation section at offset 0x3bba8 contains 12768 bytes:
  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
00000003ee90  000000000403 R_AARCH64_RELATIV                    2a0d0
00000003eea0  000000000403 R_AARCH64_RELATIV                    2a0e0
00000003eeb8  000000000403 R_AARCH64_RELATIV                    18d0
00000003eed0  000000000403 R_AARCH64_RELATIV                    9f5c
00000003eed8  000000000403 R_AARCH64_RELATIV                    2a14e


Normally dynamic relocations resolved using dynamic linker. When your program depends on a shared library, during loading of the program dynamic linker identifies this dependency, finds the required shared library, loads it in memory and then resolves the references.

For example, if you buld a binary that calls a function foo that is defined in a shared library libfoo.so, compiler at build time cannot know the actual address of the function foo. So instead of the actual address of the function the compiler leaves a placeholder for the function address and creates a note in the binary describing how this placeholder have to be filled later.

When loading the program, dynamic linker finds libfoo.so and loads it in memory. After loading the library in memory dynamic linker can figure out the actual address of the function foo and fill in the placeholders.

However as you saw above, dynamic address resolution might be needed even if the shared libraries are not involved at all. The case when shared libraries are not involved is somewhat simpler than the general problem that dynamic linker solves. It’s because to resolve local references normally all you need to know is the difference between linktime and runtime addresses.

It’s so simple in fact that the binaries can actually do this kind of dynamic address resolution themselves. A relatively recently toolchains and OS started to support position independent executables. Those exectuables should be possible to load at any address.

NOTE: Using position independent executables allows to randomize loading address of the binary in memory. Such a randomization is viewed as a form of hardening that makes it harder to explot some kinds of vulnerabilities. That being said I’m using position independence for simplicity and not for security here.

Normally such executables are linked against special kind of C runtime library. Part of the initialization performed by this C runtime library is resolving local addresses. My binary doesn’t use the standard runtime libraries and therefore doesn’t do this dynamic address resolution.

Fortunately enough we can implement it ourselves, let’s get started.


I will start from providing a linker script for the linker. Linker script is basically a piece of configuration that allows to instruct the linker how various sections (code, data, etc) will be layed out in the final binary.

I will use custom linker script because it allows to introduce some symbols (think of them as global variables) that will mark beginning and end of various sections in the binary file. For example, we can create symbols that will tell us where relocation information is located.

Relocations information is the information that we need to dynamically resolve addresess. Basically it tells us what parts of the binary image in memory have to be changed and how exactly.

Besides that custom linker script allows us to control the linktime addresses. Controlling linktime addresses is quite handy to figure out the difference between the linktime and runtime addresses.

The idea is rather simple, since we control linktime addresses we can rememeber linktime address of some function/variable/etc, in other words, some known entity. During the runtime we can find out the runtime address of the same entity using pc-relative addressing. Knowing the two we can calculate the difference.

Let’s take a look at the linker script I came up with:


    headers PT_PHDR PHDRS;
    rodata PT_LOAD;
    data PT_LOAD;
    dynamic PT_DYNAMIC;

    . = 0x1000;
    _IMAGE_START = .;

    .text : {
        _TEXT_BEGIN = .;
        _TEXT_END = .;
    } :text

    .rodata : ALIGN(0x1000) {
        _RODATA_BEGIN = .;
        _RODATA_END = .;
    } :rodata

    .rela.dyn : {
        _RELA_BEGIN = .;
        _RELA_END = .;
    } :rodata

    .dynamic : {
        _DYNAMIC = .;
    } :rodata :dynamic

    .data : {
        _DATA_BEGIN = .;
        _DATA_END = .;
    } :data

    .bss : {
        _BSS_BEGIN = .;
        _BSS_END = .;
    } :data

The script is quite long and might be quite confusing if you’re seeing it for the first time. However only a few parts are relevant for this discussion:

. = 0x1000;

_IMAGE_START - is our dedicated known entity with a fixed known linktime address. This snippet basically instructs the linker to create a sort of global variable with linktime address 0x1000. During runtime we can find out the runtime address of _IMAGE_START and compare it to 0x1000 to figure out the difference between the linktime and runtime addresses.

The other relevant part is:

.rela.dyn : {
    _RELA_BEGIN = .;
    _RELA_END = .;
} :rodata

This snippet instructs the linker to collect the relocation information together inside the .rela.dyn section. The important part however is two symboles: _RELA_BEGIN and _RELA_END. We will use those symbols to find where the relocation information is stored once the program has been loaded in memory.

Now I’m going to move further by introducing a startup code that will be executed before our main function. I will write it in assembly because it provides slightly more control when calculating addresses this way. No worries it’s quite simple:

.global start
.extern main, relocate_kernel

    // Preserve parameters from the UEFI bootloader so we can pass it later
    // to the main function.
    mov x19, x0
    mov x20, x1

    // Calculate the difference between the linktime and runtime addresses
    adr x0, _IMAGE_START
    sub x0, x0, 0x1000
    // _RELA_BEGIN and _RELA_END mark the begining and the end of the
    // relocation information
    adr x1, _RELA_BEGIN
    adr x2, _RELA_END

    // relocate_kernel performs the actual relocation/address resolution
    bl relocate_kernel

    // finally when things are done we can call main
    mov x0, x19
    mov x1, x20
    b main

Let’s cover the important pieces, starting from calculating the difference between the linktime and runtime addresses:

adr x0, _IMAGE_START
sub x0, x0, 0x1000

Instruction adr is similar to the instruction adrp, but it calculates the exact address and not the 4KiB page address using offset from pc. So this instruction will store the runtime address of _IMAGE_START in the register x0.

The second part is easy to understand - it just calculates the difference between the calculated runtime address of _IMAGE_START and the known linktime address (which as was covered above is 0x1000).

Now we need to find our relocation information, that’s also quite easy:

adr x1, _RELA_BEGIN
adr x2, _RELA_END

I’m again using the adr instruction, but this time to calculate the runtime addresses of _RELA_BEGIN and _RELA_END in registers x1 and x2.

It also so happens that according to the calling convention registers x0, x1 and x2 are used to pass 3 first arguments of the function (when they fit in 64-bit registers).

Finally, we call the function that actually performs the resolution with arguments in registers x0, x1 and x2:

bl relocate_kernel

Before we take a look at the relocate_kernel (no worries, the implementation will be in C, so we are done with the assembly) let’s take a look at how the relocation information is structured.

Actually there are a few different types of relocations and information for different types of relocation might be different. In our case all the relocations happen to be of type R_AARCH64_RELATIV as we saw above. This relocation type has a so called addend part (thus the ‘a’ part in the ‘rela’).

All the relocations with an addend are described by this structure (for 64-bit ELFs that is):

#include <stdint.h>

struct elf64_rela {
    uint64_t r_offset;
    uint64_t r_info;
    int64_t r_addend;

How the fields are interpreted might depend on the specific relocation type. They however should follow a general idea:

So basically we need to take the difference between linktime and runtime addresses, add the value of the r_addend to it and write it to the place pointed by the r_offset field. Let’s take a look at the whole thing now:

static const uint32_t R_AARCH64_RELATIVE = 1027;

static inline uint32_t rela_type(const struct elf64_rela *rela)
    return rela->r_info & 0xffffffff;

void relocate_kernel(
    int64_t diff, struct elf64_rela *begin, struct elf64_rela *end)
    for (struct elf64_rela *ptr = begin; ptr != end; ++ptr) {
        while (rela_type(ptr) != R_AARCH64_RELATIVE);

        *(uint64_t *)(ptr->r_offset + diff) = ptr->r_addend + diff;

NOTE: that we also have to apply modification to the r_offset value because it contains the linktime address and not the actual runtime address.

In the code above, if we discover a relocation that is not R_AARCH64_RELATIVE the code will just hang there in the infinite loop. This way we’d be able to detect early if we stumble on some unexpected relocation type.

And that’s it. With this little piece of code the problem was resolved and format! macro stopped causing problems.

Instead of conclusion

That’s turned out to be quite a lengthy post, but the investigation itself took quite some time.

I was probably a bit handwavy in some parts of the investigation, there are a few reasons to that:

If you think that I could cover some aspects in more details or have a better explanation yourself, suggestions are welcome.

tags: clang - aarch64 - qemu - rust - gdb - ld - assembly - format!