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10 January 2021

AArch64 Interrupt and Exception handling

by Mike Krinkin

In the previous post I gave a somewhat badly structured introduction to the priviledge levels model in AArch64. That was a preparation to make explanation of the interrupt handling a little bit easier in this post.

So let’s get started and as always you can find all the sources on GitHub.


In the previous post I briefly covered the 4 possible priviledge levels in the AArch64 architecture: EL0, EL1, EL2 and EL3.

Each level has their own version of system registers, like SPSR_EL3, SPSR_EL2, SPSR_EL1 and SPSR_EL0. Depending on the configuration each EL can use a dedicated stack pointer register or they can use the EL0 stack pointer.

Not surprisingly, higher ELs can access registers of the lower ELs, but not vice versa.

We also looked in a bit of details at the way eret instruction works. It takes the values in the SPSR and ELR registers and passes execution by address stored in the ELR register and sets the state of the processor according to the value in the SPSR register.

In the previous post we used eret instruction to jump from higher EL to the lower EL. However, moving to the topic of the current post, the eret instruction can be used to return from an interrupt handler.

The general idea is that when an event that requires immediate attention happens processor interrupts the currently executing code and calls the interrupt handler - this process is known as taking an interrupt.

Taking an interrupt processor saves the current state of the processor and the address, where we should return the execution once the interrupt was handled, in SPSR and ELR registers automatically. So once the interrupt has been handled we can just call eret to resume the interrupted code.

Interrupts and Exceptions

However, I’m jumping a little bit ahead of myself. Let’s take a step back and cover what interrupts and exceptions are and what they are for. As I alluded above the interrupts and exceptions are a way to notify about events that require some immediate attention.

That being said, the phrase “immediate attention” has been used rather loosely, so don’t take it literally. What events require attention and what do not to a significant extent depends on your use case. Let’s cover a few examples to give you an idea.

For an OS that hosts multiple userspace application at a time, one faulty application should not cause the whole system to crash - that would be way to fragile and unreliable.

Now imagine if a userspace application has executed an illegal instruction. It may happen for various reasons:

Whatever the reason, we don’t want one bad application to crash the whole system. On the other hand, the processor cannot execute the instruction it cannot understand. So what should we do?

Instead of hard crashing the processor may notify the OS kernel about the situation. Naturally, there are some restrictions that this notification mechanism must satisfy to be of help for the described situation.

Specifically, we cannot depend on the state of the procesor, userspace application stack and registers making any sense. So when this happens, we want to pass execution to a known trusted address and swtich the processor to a known good state.

That’s exactly what should happen if we correctly configure exception handling for the processor. The processor will save the current state, even though it might not make any sense, and call an interrupt handler that the OS kernel installed to handle the situation. For the described situation there might not be much the OS kernel can do, but at least it can shut down the application that caused it without affecting all other applications in the system.

Such error like conditions are often referred to as exceptions. What situation are considered errors and how to handle them changes from architecutre to architecture, but you should get a general idea.

NOTE: to avoid being completely hand-wavy here, here is an example of a condition that may or may not cause an exception: integer division by zero. In x86 it would generate an exception, but in AArch64 they just defined what result the division by zero should be, and this way on AArch64 there is no need to generate an exception, even though it doesn’t necessarily aggree with math.

Not all conditions that we may want to handle are as problematic as illegal instructions. Another common kind of the situation we may want to react is an external device that needs some attention. For example, a network hardware may want to notify that it received a new network packed or that it completed sending a network packed and is ready to send another one.

In this case, the notifications exists as an alternative to polling. As an alternative to asynchronous notification interface, we can communicate with devices synchronously. For example, after telling the network hardware to send a network packet we can wait for the completion of the operation by checking with the device in a loop: “have you finished yet?”, “have you finished yet?”… This way of interructing with devices is called polling. And depending on the implemention it might waste quite a bit of the processor computing power by waiting in a tight loop.

In case of the hardware notifications, interrupts allow the processor to do something else, until the hardware actually requires attention. So it’s essentially doing work in parallel.

I’m not sure if there is settled terminology in the field, but I will refer to this kind of hardware notifications as interrupts to separate them from the error conditions, I covered above, that I will refer to as excetions.

Naturally, interrupts may not really require immediate attention as the case of illegal instructions. With illegal instruction the processor cannot really continue the execution until we handle it, but with interrupts we can wait and may decide to delay the handling to do something else. That’s what I meant when I said that I used the phrase “immediate attention” quite loosely.

Interrupt and Exception types in AArch64

The exceptions and interrupts in AArch64 come in a few different flavours. Let’s start with interrupts as it’s easier. Hardware interrupts come in two kinds: IRQ and FIQ.

Whether a particular hardware event is IRQ or FIQ appear to be configurable. So it can be IRQ or it can be FIQ. So then what’s the difference between the two you ask? FIQ are higher priority than IRQ. That basically means if you have two conditions happening at the same time, the FIQ will be taken first. As far as this post is concerned, there isn’t any difference between the IRQs and FIQs that we care about, so I’m going to treat them the same.

Regarding exceptions, there are two classes here: SError and everything else. I don’t have complete understanding of SError exceptions at the moment. In the ARM documentation I found one example of a situation that may result in SError exception: write-back of dirty data from cache to external memory.

From that example, I imagine, there is little that can be done in such a situation, so it’s sort of a critical hardware error. For now I will consider it to be an error that we cannot really recover from.

The rest of the exceptions are known as synchronous exceptions. And they basically represent errors (like illegal instruction example above) and system calls. System call exceptions are exceptions caused by execution of special instructions: svc, hvc and smc.

svc instruction allows to call from EL0 to EL1. hvc instruction allows to call from EL1 to EL2. And smc instruction allows to call from EL1 and EL2 to EL3.

About interrupting

One thing that requires a special note is that interrupt and exception handlers interrupt currently executing code. For the example of illegal instruction that I presented before it might not really seem like a problem since the application code could not execute anyways. However, for the case of hardware interrupts it’s not the case.

The problem with interrupts and exceptions is that they are asynchronous. By asynchronous here I mean, that the code they interrupt doesn’t necessarily expect them to happen and, therefore, in general, it cannot be prepared to them.

That creates a bit of a problem. The executing code necessarily has some state in the processor registers, on stack and whatnot. To be able to successfully return the execution back to the code this state has to be preserved. Since the interrupted code doesn’t exepct the interrupt to happen and cannot prepare to it, it’s completely on the interrupt handler to make sure that this state is preserved.

Interrupt Routing

And now when we have a general idea of interrupts and exception, it’s time to stop pouring water and move to some practice.

As was discussed above we have up to 4 priviledge levels in AArch64. We can handle interrupts and exceptions on each one of them. More specifically, at each EL we need to decide if we want to handle interrupts and exceptions at that EL or we should delegate it to the lower EL to decide.

Exceptions like illegal instruction that we discussed above only makes sense to handle at the same or higher EL. So, for example, the option of routing exceptions caused by the code running in EL2 to EL1 doesn’t make much sense.

With interrupts however we may decide that we don’t want to handle it at the EL2 and, for example, delay the handling until we return to the EL1.

So the first practical question we need to answer is which EL will handle the interrupts and exceptions. With so many ELs routing of interrupts may get messy, so let’s set a goal.

I want to play with AArch64 to check its virtualization and all my code is currently executing at the EL2. That implies that the code the exception and interrupt handlers will interrupt will be running in EL2. So I’m only going to consider the case of handling interrupts and exceptions on EL2, when the interrupted code is also on EL2.

NOTE: I didn’t really settled on any specific architecture of the hypervisor, so I don’t really know at what EL the interrupts should be handled. However all the current code I have runs in EL2, so if I want to actually test how my interrupt handling works I have to route them to EL2.

If we want to handle inetrrupts at EL2 we need to make sure that EL3, the only higher priviledge level that can exist, didn’t configure routing of interrupts and exceptions to the EL3.

We can only do that if our code starts at EL3 and then switches to the EL2. If the code starts at the EL2 to begin with, then there is nothing we can do with the EL3 configuration. In this case, the only option for us is to trust the firmware running at the higher priority (that is if EL3 is even supported).

To configure routing of exceptions and interrupts in EL3 we need to use the SCR_EL3 register. Specifically, we care about the following bits:

So if we want to handle FIQs, IRQs and SError at the EL2, then on EL3 we need to set all those bits of SCR_EL3 to 0. That’s how we can do that on the EL3 before jumping to the EL2:

    #define SCR_EL3_EA  (1 << 3)
    #define SCR_EL3_FIQ (1 << 2)
    #define SCR_EL3_IRQ (1 << 1)
    mrs x0, SCR_EL3
    and x0, x0, #(~SCR_EL3_EA)
    and x0, x0, #(~SCR_EL3_FIQ)
    and x0, x0, #(~SCR_EL3_IRQ)
    msr SCR_EL3, x0 

NOTE: you can read the previous post for the explanation of the mrs, msr and and instructions, but the code should be more or less easy to understand.

Now, let’s say we are in the EL2. In EL2 we have similar controls that allow us to decide if we want to handle FIQs, IRQs and SErrors on EL2 or allow handling on the EL1.

However, somewhat uninutitively the register we need in this case is HCR_EL2 and not SCR_EL2 as one could have thought. As a matter of fact there is no SCR_EL2 register at all as there is no HCR_EL3 register - those registers are specific to EL3 and EL2.

As with EL3 there are three bits responsible for FIQs, IRQs and SErrors:

So as you could guess in this case we want to set those bits to 1, to route FIQs, IRQs and SErrors to the EL2. The story doesn’t end there however.

Remember that we have a class of synchronous exceptions. As was mentioned above it only makes sense to handle the synchronous exceptions at the same level or a higher level. Typically, exceptions happening on the EL0 are handled on the EL1 (see above the illegal instruction example as to why it makes sense).

On EL2 we get to decide if we want to let EL1 handle the exceptions or want to intervine into that process somehow on EL2. Both options actually make sense under different circumstances. Fortunately for us, we don’t have any code running on the EL1 and EL0 yet. When we do have code on EL1 and/or EL0 the relevant bits are:

Explainging the effects of those two bits is somewhat involved and requires digging into details of the virtualization on the AArch64 architecture, so I’m going to skip them for now and just claim that I’m going to set them both to 0.

Here is how my code to configure HCR_EL2 looks like:

    #define HCR_EL2_E2H (1 << 34)
    #define HCR_EL2_TGE (1 << 27)
    #define HCR_EL2_AMO (1 << 5)
    #define HCR_EL2_IMO (1 << 4)
    #define HCR_EL2_FMO (1 << 3)
    mrs x0, HCR_EL2
    orr x0, x0, #(HCR_EL2_AMO)
    orr x0, x0, #(HCR_EL2_IMO)
    orr x0, x0, #(HCR_EL2_FMO)
    and x0, x0, #(~HCR_EL2_E2H)
    and x0, x0, #(~HCR_EL2_TGE)
    msr HCR_EL2, x0

And for now we are done with interrupt and exception routing - not that bad, right?

Exception Vector Table

We figured out how to tell at what level the interrupts and exceptions should be handled, but we also need to instruct the processor where to find the interrupt handlers. That’s is what exception vector table is for.

Exception vector table in AArch64, unsurprisngly, is an array of entries of fixed size. There are 16 entries in total and each entry is 128 bytes long. So in total we have a 2KiB table.

This beginning of the table must be aligned on the 2KiB boundary.

We can separate the table in 4 consequtive logical blocks. Let’s take a look at the content of one block. Each block contains exactly 4 entries: one entry for synchronous exceptions, one entry for IRQs, one entry for FIQs and one entry for SErrors.

So we have 4 kinds of exceptions and interrupts to deal with and we have one entry per kind inside the block. That makes a lot of sense.

Each entry contains the code of interrupt/exception handler. In AArch64 instructions are 4 bytes long, so 128 bytes gives us room for 32 instructions. That might or might not be enough depending on what we want to do.

If it’s not enough for the complete interrupt handler, you can just put in there a jump instruction that passes execution to another place and circumvent this limitation. I’ll show below an example of how it will work.

Now we will move to a slightly more complicated part. I mentioned that the exception vector table contains 4 blocks (or 16 entries in total). Each block looks the same and contains 4 entries with exactly the same meaning, but depending on the configuration and the current state of the processor a differnt block is used.

There are couple of relevant factors there. First is whethere the exception or interrupt interrupts the code at the same EL or lower EL.

We will call the EL we are interrupting is the EL the exception or interrupt is taken from. The EL that will handle the exception or interrupt we will call the EL the exception or interrupt is taken to.

If the exception or interrupt is taken from the same EL that is going to handle it we will use the first half of the table, otherwise the second half of the table is used.

If the exception or interrupt is taken from the same EL that handles it, there are two options to consider: whether we will use SP_EL0 or SP_ELx, where x is the EL the exception or interrupt is handled on.

If you read the previous post it covered that the processor can be configured to either use a dedicated stack pointer to EL or use SP_EL0. Depending on that configuration different block is used.

The other case is when the exception or interrupt is taken from a lower EL to a higher EL. In this case AArch64 takes into account two different options: the lower EL may be using AArch64 or it may run in a compatibility AArch32 mode. Depending on that a different block of the exceptions vector table is used.

Fortunately enough, all my code currently runs at EL2, so I don’t need to consider the case when the exception or interrupt handler interrupts code running in a lower EL.

The complete exception vector table looks like this:

offset in the table event type description
0x000 Synchronous Exception EL is using SP_EL0 stack
0x080 IRQ EL is using SP_EL0 stack
0x100 FIQ EL is using SP_EL0 stack
0x180 SError EL is using SP_EL0 stack
0x200 Synchronous Exception EL is using SP_ELx stack
0x280 IRQ EL is using SP_ELx stack
0x300 FIQ EL is using SP_ELx stack
0x380 SError EL is using SP_ELx stack
0x400 Synchronous Exception From lower EL in AArch64
0x480 IRQ From lower EL in AArch64
0x500 FIQ From lower EL in AArch64
0x580 SError From lower EL in AArch64
0x600 Synchronous Exception From lower EL in AArch32
0x680 IRQ From lower EL in AArch32
0x700 FIQ From lower EL in AArch32
0x780 SError From lower EL in AArch32

The first column contains the offset of the table entry from the beginning of the exception vector table in bytes. The second column contains the type of the event and the last column describes the condition under which the block is used.

All that remains to do is to tell the processor where the table begins. The address of the beginning of the table for the EL2 is stored in VBAR_EL2 register.

In the repository I put the exception vector table to the bootstrap/ints.S file and it starts like this:

.global vector_table
.balign 2048
    b .
.balign 0x80
    b .
.balign 0x80
    b .
.balign 0x80
    b .

It’s worth clarifing a little bit what different parts there mean. The vector_table label marks the beginning of the exception vector table. The beginning of the exception vector table must be aligned on 2048 bytes boundary and that’s what the .balign 2048 assembler directive says.

Each entry is 128 bytes long and that’s what we guarantee using .balign 0x80 directive. Each entry of the first block contains just one instruction b .. This instruction is just an infinite loop - it transfer control to itself.

I’m using an infinite loop for the first block because it should never be called. The reason for that is because in the previous post I configured the system to use a dedicated stack pointer register, so we never actually use SP_EL0.

The third and forth block look the same as the first one. As for the the second block, the only block we care about for now, I will cover it below.

The code writing the VBAR_EL2 register is located in bootstrap/start.S file and looks like this:

adr x0, vector_table
msr VBAR_EL2, x0

The adr instruction takes a relative address of a symbol (vector_table in this case) and calculates the absolute address using the instruction pointer. TL; DR it writes the absolute address of the vector_table into the x0 register.

Then we use msr instruction to write the value in x0 to the VBAR_EL2 system register. That completes our configuration.

Interrupt Handlers

Now let’s take at the actual interrupt handling. In this post I will not cover what should we actually do to handle the exceptions and interrupts. Instead I will just assume that we have a couple of functions: exception and interrupt.

Those functions will magically do the right thing as long as we pass them enough information. For now for testing we can just print something inside those functions and be done with it. I will cover that in the testing section below.

Let’s return back to the exception vector table. We only care about the second block of the exception vector table and here is how it looks in my case:

.balign 0x80
    b exception_entry
.balign 0x80
    b interrupt_entry
.balign 0x80
    b interrupt_entry
.balign 0x80
    b exception_entry

For now I don’t diffirentitate between synchronous exceptions and SError, which is likely not a right thing to do. I do differentiate between the exceptions and interrupts however. At this point there will be very little difference between thouse though.

The exception vector table entries above just pass the control to the exception_entry and interrupt_entry labels that we will see below. This way we are not affected by the limit on the size of the entry in the exception vector table as the code that will do the actual handling is outside of the exception vector table.

Let’s start from the exception_entry and we will build it step by step. Doing the same for the interrupt_entry will be simple after that since both will have a lot of similarities.

We know that the interrupt handler should use eret instruction to finish the interrupt handler and return the control back to the interrupted code:


As was explained above it’s on the interrupt handler to make sure that all the state of the interrupted code has been preserved, so we need to preserve the state of the general purpose registers that the interrupt handler will corrupt at least.

We will use a magic exception function that will do the actual handling and we don’t know what registers it will use. So we need to preserve all of them. I will save the registers on stack and before finishing the interrupt handler I will pop everything from the stack. This way stack state will return to its original state.

Let’s first reserve place on stack by substracting a large enough value from the stack pointer and then return it back:

    sub sp, sp, #192
    add sp, sp, #192

You will see below why I’m reserving 192 bytes for storing the information we need to store.

To actually store information on stack I will use the stp instruction (store pair). This instruction takes two registers and stores their value at the address pointer by the third argument.

To restore the values from stack I will use the ldp instruction (load pair). That instruction is basically the opposite of the stp instruction.

Let’s take a look:

    sub sp, sp, #192
    stp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    stp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    stp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    stp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    stp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    stp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    stp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    stp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    stp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    stp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    stp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]

    ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    ldp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    ldp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    ldp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    ldp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    ldp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    ldp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    ldp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    ldp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    ldp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    ldp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]
    add sp, sp, #192

I’m saving registers x0 to x18, plus x29 and x30. The xzr is a fake register containing 0 value, I’m using it just because without that I’d have an odd number of registers, which doesn’t play well with the fact that stp instruction needs a pair of registers and the fact that the stack have to be aligned on the 16 byte boundary.

The x30 register is so called link register. In ARM when calling a function the address to return is stored in the x30 link register. It’s very similar in function to the ELR register, but for regular functions instead of interrupt handlers.

The x29 register is commonly used as a frame pointer, but from architecture point of view it doesn’t have any special meaning.

At this point you may wonder about all the registers from x19 to x28 that we didn’t store?

To answer that question we need to talk a little bit about calling conventions. It’s common for calling conventions to separate registers to callee-saved and caller-saved registers.

To understand the difference between them and how they are relevant lets consider an example. Let’s say we have functions foo and bar. And let’s also say that the function foo calls the function bar.

If the function bar uses any of the callee-saved registers it’s the function bar responsibility to make sure that it restores them to their original value. It’s sort of a contract between the caller and the callee.

On the other hand, if the function foo cares about any values in the caller-saved registers, then before calling the function bar it’s the function foo responsibility to save them somehow before calling bar.

Returning to the interrupt handling, if the function exception follows the calling convention, then we only need to preserve the caller-saved registers and the exception function will save the callee-saved registers, so we don’t have to save them.

In AArch64 calling convention registers from x0 to x18 are caller-saved. Due to the nature of the x30 link register, calling a function will necessarily corrupt the value there, so if we care about its value it’s on us to preserve it as well.

Strictly speaking I didn’t have to preserve x29 register as it’s a callee-saved register, but I though that it would be an interesting value to look at inside the exception handler, so I saved it on the stack. Following that logic you may want to go and save all the registers if want.

The next step is to save the information required to understand what caused the exception. I will not dig into a lot of details, I will just say that there are coupld of registers of interest here: ESR_EL2 and FAR_EL2:

    sub sp, sp, #192
    stp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    stp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    stp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    stp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    stp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    stp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    stp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    stp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    stp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    stp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    stp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]

    mrs x0, ESR_EL2
    mrs x1, FAR_EL2
    stp x0, x1, [sp, #176]

    ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    ldp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    ldp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    ldp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    ldp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    ldp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    ldp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    ldp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    ldp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    ldp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    ldp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]
    add sp, sp, #192

Slowly we came to the final step. Now it’s time to call the exception function and pass it the parameters it needs. I’m just going to pass it a pointer to the data we saved on stack (that’s why I saved the values of ESR_EL2 and FAR_EL2 on stack).

Simple data types like pointers in AArch64 calling convention are passed to functions in registers. The first parameter is passed in the x0 register. Putting all things together here is what we get:

    sub sp, sp, #192
    stp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    stp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    stp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    stp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    stp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    stp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    stp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    stp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    stp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    stp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    stp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]

    mrs x0, ESR_EL2
    mrs x1, FAR_EL2
    stp x0, x1, [sp, #176]

    mov x0, sp
    bl exception

    ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0]
    ldp x2, x3, [sp, #16]
    ldp x4, x5, [sp, #32]
    ldp x6, x7, [sp, #48]
    ldp x8, x9, [sp, #64]
    ldp x10, x11, [sp, #80]
    ldp x12, x13, [sp, #96]
    ldp x14, x15, [sp, #112]
    ldp x16, x17, [sp, #128]
    ldp x18, x29, [sp, #144]
    ldp x30, xzr, [sp, #160]
    add sp, sp, #192

Now let’s take how the exception function signature may look. I will use Rust, but in C you will get something very similar:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InterruptFrame {
    x0: u64,
    x1: u64,
    x2: u64,
    x3: u64,
    x4: u64,
    x5: u64,
    x6: u64,
    x7: u64,
    x8: u64,
    x9: u64,
    x10: u64,
    x11: u64,
    x12: u64,
    x13: u64,
    x14: u64,
    x15: u64,
    x16: u64,
    x17: u64,
    x18: u64,
    fp: u64,
    lr: u64,
    xzr: u64,
    esr: u64,
    far: u64,

pub extern "C" fn exception(frame: *mut InterruptFrame) {
    unsafe { safe_exception(&mut *frame) }

fn safe_exception(_frame: &mut InterruptFrame) {
    loop {}

NOTE: I used mutable pointers and references above because we actually may want to change the values of some registers. Imagine the case of system calls, while they are handled in the general exception and interrupt handling framework, it’s not quite true that the interrupted code isn’t preprapared. On the countrary, the system calls are caused intentionally and we may want to be able to return some results from a system call. In order to do that we may want to modify a few registers.

And we are almost done. The difference between the exception_entry and interrupt_entry is that ESR_EL2 and FAR_EL2 don’t make any sense for interrupts. So we can save xzr instead.

The code you can find in the repository is slightly different, but it has the same idea. The difference is due to a case of unaligned stack pointer that I want to handle there. You can check the comments to understand the situation there.

Masking and Unmasking Interrupts

One final point related to the interrupt handling that is worth covering is masking and unmasking interrupts. Sometimes we may want to delay handling of interrupts, because we want to do something else, or because we just don’t want a particular code to be interrupted, because it’s unsafe to interrupt.

In this case we have an option of masking interrupt. That is instruct the processor to not take any interrupts. When we do that, the processor just takes a note that there is a signal waiting processing, but doesn’t actually call the interrupt handler. The processor will call the interrupt handler once interrupts are unmasked again.

Naturally, it doesn’t make sense to mask all the exceptions. Again consider the case of illegal instruction situation covered above. However we can mask some of them, specifically, SError and Debug exceptions. I didn’t talk about the debug exception, but we can largely ignore them for now.

To mask interrupts we can use DAIF system register (you will see where the name comes from below). It has 4 bits dedicated to interrupt masks:

To mask all the interrupts all it takes is to wtite 1s in those bits:

    msr DAIFSet, #0b1111

and to unmask you can use this snippet:

    msr DAIFClr, #0b1111

You can also read and write the DAIF register directly as we did with other system registers using msr and mrs instruction and the register name DAIF instead of DAIFSet and DAIFClr. However for now we just want to be able to mask all the interrupts until we are ready to handle them.


Now it’s time to play with it. I have all the interrupts masked in the code, but as I explained before, we cannot mask all the exceptions. So what I’m going to do is to cause an exception to see how our logic works.

Before that however, let’s tweak our exception handler to actually see something when an exception happens:

extern crate alloc;

use pl011::PL011;

fn safe_exception(frame: &mut InterruptFrame) {
    let serial = PL011:new(
        /* base_address = */0x9000000,
        /* base_clock = */24000000);
    serial.send(format!("{:?}", frame).as_str());
    loop {}

So every time when the exception happens, we will output the content of the InterruptFrame structure via a serial port and hang in an infinite loop.

NOTE: the serial port code has been covered in posts 1, 2 and 3.

NOTE: this way of communicating with hardware is somewhat unsafe in general. Consider the case where we have concurrently executing code that uses the PL011 as well. The moral here is that it doesn’t matter what safety features the language provides, the architecture and the implementation of the system still have to be correct. That applies to Rust to the same extent as it applies to C and C++ - there is no such thing as safe language by deafult.

Now it’s time to generate some exception to see if our code works. There are plenty of ways to generate an exception, here is the way I used:


static volatile int cont = 1;


void main(struct data *data, size_t size)

    // This tries to read an address that just cannot exist - a problem that
    // processor cannot ignore, so it must result in an exception.
    cont = *((volatile int *)0xffffffffffffffffull);


When I start the QEMU as a result of this I see this in the output:

Setting up the loader...
Loading the config...
Parsing the config...
Loading the kernel...
Loading the data...
Starting the kernel...
Shutting down UEFI boot services
InterruptFrame { x0: 0, x1: 1077649408, x2: 3, x3: 1200091392, x4: 1200091464, x5: 4, x6: 1199981932, x7: 12, x8: 18446744073709551615, x9: 1075548168, x10: 1075552272, x11: 1, x12: 4, x13: 8, x14: 0, x15: 0, x16: 1200020096, x17: 4294944427, x18: 0, fp: 1199981984, lr: 1075278384, sp: 1199981936, esr: 2542272528, far: 18446744073709551612 }

You can see the content of the InterruptFrame structure that was saved by the exception_entry and passed to the exception function as an argument.

Another way we can look is by using the QEMU monitor. You can read this post that covers some debugging tools includeing QEMU monitor.

Assuming that you know how to connect to the QEMU monitor, you can use the following command to enable logging of exceptions and iterrupts:

(qemu) log int

When you do that QEMU will start logging to stdout all the exceptions and interrupts happening in the system (it might generate a lot of output). It looks like this in my case:

Taking exception 5 [IRQ]
...from EL2 to EL2
...with ESR 0x0/0x0
...with ELR 0x43b9f01c
...to EL2 PC 0x43b34a80 PSTATE 0x3c9
Exception return from AArch64 EL2 to AArch64 EL2 PC 0x43b9f01c

When I run my code and it eventually generates an exception this is what I see there:

Taking exception 4 [Data Abort]
...from EL2 to EL2
...with ESR 0x25/0x97880010
...with FAR 0xfffffffffffffffc
...with ELR 0x40177234
...to EL2 PC 0x40178200 PSTATE 0x3c9

The system is now hanging in an infinite loop, so we can connect to it with GDB and see where it spins, to confirm that it indeed happens inside the code we wrote.

Instead of conclusion

Hopefully this post is a hands on example of interrupt and exception handling in AArch64. And hopefully it’s detailed enough to understand how various pieces fit together.

I’m starting to accumulate a noticable amount of code in the repository, so I had to resort to posting snippets in the post instead of the complete code. If you find some parts confusing or incomplete, feel free to suggest improvements.

tags: aarch64 - arm - system-programming - interrupts - exceptions